Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cutting on a sketch with multiple extrusions, using a sketch with multiple shapes

Today I fixed two bugs which didn't allow us to cut on a sketch with multiple extrusions, using a sketch with multiple different shapes. The first issue was caused by the way the sketch faces were composed to obtain a single shape. until now, we fused the shapes together, but cut failed on this shape. I've replaced the fuse with sewing and now cut works for all types of base sketch extrusions.

The second issue was caused by the different orientation of shapes. When cutting with a circle in an extruded circle, or a rectangle in an extruded rectangle, the cutting prism had the correct orientation and the cut to depth was performed correctly. When trying to cut in an extruded circle with a rectangle, the orientation was wrong and the extruded solid wasn't affected. I've added a check before the extrude and the prism vector is reversed if the direction is wrong.

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