Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Working on WPF Option Dialog

When NaroCAD started was based on Windows Forms and used only C# 2.0 features. As we picked VS 2008, we switched to use Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) by using Ribbon interface, we did had experience have still some dialogs that are Windows.Forms. The advantage of using WPF instead WF is that a designer can assign styles to pages when on WF you cannot. The porting will have to workaround some different behaviors that are different and I will not expect in the next iteration to be done, but the implementation will be done in parallel and most likely will be compatible. I did not find for example the WF's LinkLabel control in WPF implemented as default control but I will look more for that. This control is used for making you to get easier access to help parts or to different links from help. Also the "automatically apply" behavior need to be implemented with different events I'm still not used at. So for now the controls will likely start separately and the default will still be the WF one until the code will stabilize and will give a similar behavior.

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